Cocks That Lay Eggs

Cocks That Lay Eggs

Even someone without a rustic upbringing, or has not spent extensive amounts of time engaged in the honest toil that is work at a farm, would have no trouble acknowledging the not oft quoted enough wisdom: Hens that crow do not lay eggs As with many things, this has parallels in life. When you settle down and sink into a state of smug satisfaction, God in his infinite wisdom (and excellent sense of humour) can be relied upon to rally…

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Security Chapter 2 : Using A Password Manager

Security Chapter 2 : Using A Password Manager

If you have not read part 1, why you should not share site passwords, you can do so here first. A password manager (surprise surprise!) is software that helps you generate, save and manage your passwords. Good ones will be almost transparent – only appearing when you need to log in or generate a password. I personally use 1Password. It’s not free but I’ve used it for several years chiefly because it has been around for a very long time…

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Security Chapter 1 : Don’t Share Site Passwords

Security Chapter 1 : Don’t Share Site Passwords

Quick, how many online accounts do you have? If, you are the typical online citizen, you at least have the following: Primary email, usually gmail Secondary email, usually that yahoo account you set up decades ago Facebook Twitter Office email And then there are the rest Tumblr Pintrest Tinder (We see you!) Amazon AppleID etc Those are at least 10 online identities. With 10 usernames and passwords. Let’s face it – if you add credit card PINs, debit card PINs,…

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